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Welcome to the Dojo.
Providing Okinawan Shorinryu Karate and Okinawan Kobudo weapons instruction by Sensei Arthur Drago for over 40 years.
Karate bu sente nashi. (There is no first attack in Karate)
This phrase, inscribed on a monument in a Zen monastary in Kamakura City, embodies the essence of Okinawan Karate. Karate is a martial art yet it was developed by the Okinawans as a weaponless method of self defense.
The martial arts arose out of the fundamental human instinct of self-preservation. This instinct caused primitive man, living without effective weapons in caves and trees, to defend himself from attack by using his hands, feet, or other parts of his body. The Okinawans developed their own unique art of self-defense, te, which literally means hands. Most of the characteristics of Okinawan Karate-do appear in the use of fists, toes, elbows, and “knife-hands,” although any part of the body can become a vital weapon.
The essence of Okinawan Karate-do lies in the process by which students make the utmost effort in an attempt to create limitless power by utilization of true wisdom. Continuous practice will create a well-balanced person of sound mind and body.
Sensei Zenko Heshiki with Sensei Drago

Sensei Drago
Arthur Drago was born and raised in N.Y.C. A graduate of N.Y.U. in Business Administration. Mr. Drago started his Karate practice in 1964. His first instructor was Ernie Ferrara and Zenko Heshiki who were both under Ansei Ueshiro. Mr. Ueshiro was the first Okinawan to bring Shorinryu Karate Do to the States. Mr. Drago also practiced Zazen at the NY Zendo from 1965 to 1971 under the direction of Eido Roshi while doing martial arts.
In 1971 he decided to move from the “Big Apple” to Virginia where he worked on two different farms while starting a Karate class at the Emmanuel Church in Delaplane. The Karate program expanded to Warrenton in 1972, being the first Karate class taught in that town. On April 7, 1973 the Budo Kai Dojo was opened in Front Royal.
From 1972 thru 1983 he taught martial arts at the Grafton School in Berryville. In 1978, junior classes were started at St. John’s School in Warrenton and Rappahannock.
Mr. Drago has also been working with Sensei Ed Erler from Alburquerque, New Mexico since 1992 on Okinawan Kobudo (weapons) and the White Crane Forms. Since 1996, Mr. Drago has done Tai Chi with Sam Mumper at the Front Royal Dojo.
Front Royal Karate Club Dojo Since 1982, to improve his practice Mr. Drago has been studying Karate at the Dojo of Sensei Seikichi Iha-10th Dan in Lansing, Michigan. Sensei Iha is a direct student of Katsuya Miyahira – 10th Dan who instructs the Kobobayashi root of Okinawan Shorinryu Karate (Young Forest System). The emphasis in these classes taught by Sensei Drago is stretching, conditioning, hard and soft contact on blocking and self defense techniques and balance of body movement which derives from the Katas (the foundation of Karate Movement).
Ansei Ueshiro (Drago sitting at left) at the Satsuma Bushi Dojo in New York City in 1966.

The Front Royal Karate Club is a no contract school.
Fees are paid monthly.
For more information, call (540) 635-7554 or email budokai at comcast dot net.
Mixed Adults
- Days: Monday and Wednesday
- Time: 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
- Instructor: Arthur Drago
Sensei Drago teaches the traditional Okinawan Karate, which stresses working with an opponent, as opposed to competing against each other. The classes consist of stretching, weights, katas (prearranged sequences of movements), kumite, and weapons.
Ladies Only
- Days: Tuesday and Thursday
- Time: 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
- Instructor: Carol Corbin
Sensei Corbin has been a student of the Front Royal Karate Dojo since July 1980 and currently holds the rank of Rokyu Dan (6th Degree). In this class, through martial arts, ladies learn: Strength, Endurance, Toning, Self Defense Skills, and Weight Loss.
Junior Classes
- Day: Saturday
- Open Floor: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
- Beginner/Intermediate: 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
- Lower Advanced: 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
- Upper Advanced 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Instructor: Arthur Drago
Ages 5 and up. Sensei Drago teaches these classes traditionally, with bows before and after each kata practiced. Students learn to respect the power of the movement and each other. The program helps with balance, timing and focus.
The Dojo
7 Kidd Lane
Front Royal, VA

Get In Touch
- (540) 635-7554
- budokai at comcast dot net
- 7 Kidd Lane, Front Royal, VA
- Follow us on Facebook